My father

Hello! How’s your day? I hope you have a good day.
Well guys, My English teacher gave me a task to make an article about someone that inspirited me. I have thought (quite long). Who is inspirited me this far. Bill gates? Ibnu Sina? Hmmm, I think someone that closer with me. Suddenly I thought about my dad. Yes, I think he is the one that motivated and inspirited me this far.
is name is Irwan Pramadi, He was born in Subang, 5th of October 1997. Now, He is work as IT enginer in Jakarta. But sometimes he go Sulawesi because his company has two main office.

There He is!
When he was at highschool, he joined scout and be the active member there. So he has many of expertise such as survival in nature, reading map, rigging, and others.

He also can repair TV, radio, motorcycle, bicycle, car, households, even a really broken toys can be repaired by him. I was so surpised when he made a simple morse tools only in one day! Oh, he also good at sports (I said sports because he good at many kind of sport like football, basketball, swimming, etc) and matrial art, especially karate. He got his black belt at highschool and he taught me karate until now. But because of my laziness, we stop practicing our Karate, hehe.
183676_1862249313361_7166226_n.jpgWhat else? Oh, He is warmhearted and kinda humorous too. He always motivating me to not give up when life try to knock you down. He maybe not good in giving sweet-words, but his motivation can always make me up again. He is humorous… Yeah, you can see that fact in this picture.

All I want to say is I love you dad, thank you for being my inspiration, give me motivation, and I miss you so much, I hope I can go to Subang more often. Hehe
Thank you~~


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