
What is megantara? 
Why do I post about megantara? 

Okay,  your question will Be answered if you read this article until done. I told you, until done. And don't forget to leave a comment there :"v okay just kidding.... 

Megantara is a culture festival of SMAN 3 Bandung. It held once on a year. This festival open for public, therefore not only student, teacher, or worker of SMA 3 Who can come to megantara . But you must buy ticket to enter Megantara venue, the ticket price is IDR 35.000.

What Is in Megantara? 

Megantara has a lot of interesting activities. In the morning, we had a parade. We walked around wore "kebaya" (for girls) and "pangsi" (for boys). There also performance of reog Ponorogo that led our parade. 

Because megantara is culture festival,  then Megantara contained many of cultural performance such as traditional dance, music, and theatrical performance of T'ST about culture. Megantara also held fashion show of traditional clothes

Overall , Megantara was 'Petjah'! 


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